UPDATE: who wants to go to India?

looking toward south cliff, Varkala, Kerala
the Heart of Yoga, Chennai

That’s a serious question.

Long time readers know that I started studying at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in 2005.  I thought back then that I would never return to KYM or to India, I thought it was a one-time thing.  Little did I know that I would return to KYM only 6 months later in 2006 and that I would be blessed enough to return there yearly.   Who knew what a grip India would have on my heart?  Who knew that the longer I study in this lineage the more I know that I can study here the rest of my life?  It is an honor and a responsibility to be a representative of this lineage.

The senior teachers know me by name now.  When I walked into the building on the first day of training this year I was greeted like an old friend and it did my heart good.   The intensive, “Discover Yoga Anatomy”, was amazing.  It truly was an advanced training, beyond asana, on a deeper level.  Although the teachers have studied with Desikachar for years and years, they are still students of yoga.  One of my favorite teachers said she is still learning, that they learn from us and from each other.  They are humble.  One touches the feet of Krishnamacharya in his photo portrait that is the classroom.  They are not afraid to use the word “guru.”

I have scheduled the week of March 11-15, 2013 for taking a group for private classes.  I have scheduled an asana class; theory and practice of pranayama; chanting; meditation; class on the Sutras; and an introductory class on the Bhagavad Gita, 6 classes daily for five days.   The classes will be geared toward the students’  yoga experience.  When I was there an American yoga teacher had brought 18 people with her.  My group will be limited to 12, and I need a minimum of 6 people for the trip to happen.

After that week, I will lead a yin-yang yoga retreat March 16-24 in Varkala, Kerala.  In between my trainings, before I went to KYM, I spent 15 days in Varkala, a place where I had never been.   In fact, I spent 10 days, returned to Chennai, and then flew back to Varkala because I missed the vibe and the friends I had made so much.  They did not want me to leave.

Varkala has a chill vibe, as people there say, and I thought I would be put off by all the westerners.  I must say I had some culture shock when I arrived because I had never been with so many westerners before in my travels (apart from KYM.)  But I grew to love it.  The place is a mix of backpackers, package tourist groups, retirees, old hippies, young hippies, and families with children.  It’s easy.  Real easy.  And it would be a great place to chill after the cacophony of Chennai.  Besides which, ladies, you can get some great yoga pants made for about $10 by the tailors on the clifftop, pants that sell in the US for 7 times the price — I had 4 made.

The retreat — where I will teach one class in the morning — will be here.  I have already booked all the cottages facing the pool.  Double occupancy only so bring a friend!

I had energy work done by an amazing energy worker so a session with her and a dinner party in her garden on our last night are included in the price.  Ayurvedic consulations are available as well.  I had a back issue for five years (thanks to being Miss Gumby all my life) and after doing the yoga therapy practice every day that I learned in my first training and having medical ayurvedic treatments for 7 days at this place, I now wake up pain free — and I still do my yoga therapy practice.  The Varkala resort has its own ayurvedic doctor or there are many choices in Varkala.

Other activities are available if you want to run around, but I guarantee that chilling on the beach, eating fresh food every day, and meeting great people will be enough for some.

You will arrange the domestic RT flight from Chennai-Trivandrum and the 5 star hotel in Chennai before flying home on March 25 (very early morning) with my travel agent.  Those prices are NOT included in my package price.

PACKAGE PRICE IS $1,950.00 (OR $1,925.00 for one garden view cottage at Varkala resort) WITH A PORTION OF YOUR PAYMENT GOING TO THE BANYAN, A WOMEN’S SHELTER IN CHENNAI.




You are responsible for your international and domestic flights, one day/night stay your last 24 hours in Chennai, your Indian visa, food other than breakfast, sight-seeing, ayurvedic treatments in Kerala (if so desired), tips, and ground transportation in Chennai and Varkala.  Please be aware that your India visa starts on the day it is issued, NOT when you land in India.

This trip will be geared toward yoga teachers, serious practitioners, and those who are independent travelers and who can go with the flow.  I won’t sugar-coat it:  Ma India can kick your ass but good.  It did mine the beginning of this trip, my 6th, and then I surrendered and let go.  Once I did that, all was good.

The entire trip will be from March 10-March 24 (arrange  your flight to leave Monday, March 25 or thereafter.)  You must spend a day decompressing from your flight to India and acclimating a bit before KYM classes start on Monday, March 11.  However, I can tell you that after 6 trips with 16+ hour flights to India, I do not have jet lag when I arrive — I hit the ground running.

I’m throwing this out to the Universe.  Doing the best I can and letting the rest go.

Let me know your interest.

not where I had my treatment — I liked the sign!
looking healthy and happy in Varkala

17 thoughts on “UPDATE: who wants to go to India?

  1. Sounds interesting, don’t know if I’d be able to afford it and the flight (not that it’s expensive, I just can’t afford any kind of travel right now–as per usual), but in the off chance that I make lots of money by this time next year, I have a few questions:

    1. does the price include both the KMY and the retreat in Kerala?
    2. Does it include the flight/transportation between those two places?
    3. Is food included?

    That is if you even know at this point:)


    1. 1. yes.
      2. don’t know yet. at this point in time, the 90 min. RT flight between Chennai-Varkala was $140, but there is more than one airline to choose from.
      3. Only breakfast would be included in Chennai and Varkala. food is incredibly cheap. You can eat dinner for less than $5.

      Details will be forthcoming by the summer.


      1. Cool. I have a digital nomad fantasy that includes living in France for a few months and taking a “side” trip to India–as scary as that sounds to me. So far, my freelance biz is picking up, but at the same time my hubby is taking the plunge of trying to start is own business, so who know where we’ll be, finanically speaking, next year:)


  2. Hello this sounds very nice and I would like to go . How much in advance would one have to commit financially? PS. i relaly enjoyed your last blog about living your dharma , what great inspiration.


    1. thanks for your interest! It would have to be paid for by mid-January 2013 as March is still part of high-season for tourists in Kerala. I would also need deposits by Oct/Nov. 2012. Please stay connected for forthcoming details, I am in the preliminary stages of planning!


  3. Hey Linda..Sounds like you had a great time! So you met Anu!! She is a friend of my friend Joan and we went to a couple of her lovely garden parties!! Yes Varkala is an easy place to be and I must say I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would thanks to the lovely people who live there!!
    So glad you enjoyed the trainings and I look forward to seeing you in Chennai next year!!


    1. yes, I actually met Anu through the owner of Mango Villa where I stayed. we’re all connected….

      btw, am doing Module 4 in Chennai next year, Module 3 is here near me…..


  4. Keep me updated, I am definitely interested in this. I was planning to go next year on my own but this is an opportunity not to be missed.


    1. I know you would LOVE LOVE LOVE KYM…everyone has their own yoga thang, but to me, it is truly the heart of yoga…..


  5. Hi I’m based in Australia and really interested to join you. I was planning to go to India in 2013, so it would be great to go with a group instead of solo. Please keep me updated when you have costings and finalised plans


  6. Hi, I’m keen to find out more, please let me know when you have more details on costings etc. I am based in Australia and have planned to visit India sometime in 2013 and it would be awesome to be in a group of likeminded individuals


  7. ladies, if you do Facebook, please “like” the Metta Yoga page or send me a friend request to get the updates! thanks!


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